January 12, 2003

Back On Track sorta

Finally getting back on track with work. After the holidays it made it really difficult to get back in the swing of things in terms of putting in my freelancing hours. Last year since starting work I put in an average of 18 hours per week - I really would like to raise that average this year - nothing insane, but I want to increase my bandwidth and efficiency without increasing my stress level.

Heard from one of the developers of snipsnap today. He read my earlier blog entry and asked for more feedback. It's always nice when that happens. It sounds like they are doing some cool stuff there - as I get back into Java this year, I might get more involved.

First I have to finish a couple of deadlines. :) I need to get a couple of my piano preludes digitized to send off to some artists I might collaborate with. And I need to upgrade my blog. Then I'll really be cooking with gas.

Posted by Curt at January 12, 2003 04:37 AM