January 03, 2003

Little Things Overwhelm, film at 11.

Today was just an exhausting day. I really do feel like I was doing productive things all day today, I just can't remember what many of them were. I think I am about ready to mail off my accounting information to my accountant so I can pay my last estimated tax bill by January 15th. I finished testing some midi hardware I have that is keeping me from being gloriously musical, and will mail it off soon. I networked quite a bit and got some stressful situations off of me, including a contract that someone thought I accepted that I didn't. I bought a plane ticket for my singing group reunion in January. I installed the new versions of iCal and iSync. I found the mp3s for my star wars radio drama to replace the audio cassettes that I quite unfortunately ruined with, uhm, an electric drill. And now I'm tired!! Posted by Curt at January 3, 2003 03:25 AM