November 19, 2002

Segqay Stalwart

I just need to go on record and say that I'm one of the Segway supporters. I know a lot of people think it's crazy and overhyped. It was overspeculated, but I think it's a big deal.

The easy-to-use transportation device already exists. Functionally and from the viewpoint of someone not riding one, it's about comparable to one of those little motorized razor scooters, except quieter. So that's not a big deal.

For the users it takes less skill. And it doesn't pollute. And it's less dangerous, both for people riding it, and for people that it might hit.

But the part that has me excited is its future plans. First, the rumors that the consumer version will be able to be folded up and worn as a backpack. Second, that a new stirling engine will be incorporated. A stirling engine that will generate electricity from its fuel, that can run on all sorts of different fuels (like trash). And can distill/purify water. So you can take your Segway off grid, and then let it help you get your own drinking water and also be your generator while it recharges itself.

In about 2004 or 2005 I bet I will be owning one. Posted by Curt at November 19, 2002 01:39 PM