October 31, 2002

My problem is bananas.

My problem is bananas. I want to buy organic bananas. The nearest place to buy them is a fifteen minute drive away with a high probability of heavy traffic.

I've worked out that if I buy fourteen bananas, I can eat them in seven days without them becoming unbearable. I have to be very strategic - lay them out individually in the fridge so they aren't on top of each other and don't get bruised.

I tried peeling them and cutting them up and putting them in tupperware and freezing them. They are as hard as ice then and broke my handheld blender, which isn't made to chop ice. I tried putting whole bananas in the freezer and then taking them back out. They melt into a highly concentrated super-sweet viscous fluid that is just disgusting.

This makes me sad because I love my daily banana strawberry shakes.

I guess I will just have to move somewhere where I am conveniently close to a store that sells organic bananas. Posted by Curt at October 31, 2002 03:28 AM