October 05, 2002

So I had this

So I had this dream I was on the US Soccer team. It all got disorganized because there were a few too many players, including many members of my old a cappella group. After the game, we went up to a rickety meeting room that was sort of like a tree house, and sat around a table. One of the guys that was there coaching our famous soccer team was actually a former member of the House Jacks (another a cappella group) was talking about how since their record deal fell through, they were letting us buy their homegrown nutritional supplements at an extremely cut rate:

"Now, this muscle formula is amazing. You start taking it, and you will have washboard stomachs within a day. Within one day, it's that powerful. One day if you are in shape, like I am. When we were touring, there were people all over the country buying this stuff. So many people bought it that some of them actually might have gotten seriously hurt from it, but I haven't heard anything. I guess I'm supposed to tell you that. Anyway, you take that stuff and you would have the best kind of "sober high", and for three months!"

My dreams are awesome. I mean, that's a pretty damn funny monologue. Posted by Curt at October 5, 2002 01:15 PM