October 03, 2002

Well, here I am

Well, here I am again... working late. I tell you, my hours have just been insane lately.

It all started with this project that I have right now. Well, we have a database expert, a graphic designer, the person who converted the graphics into the html pages, and me - the glue guy. My job is to write all the perl. I write the interfaces to the database, and I write the "control" layer that gets the data from the interfaces and passes them on to the templates (the html pages).

Overall it's a lot of fun, I have to admit - I am good enough at the programming now that I can develop a really well-organized API to program against, and it should be easily maintainable. But the schedule has been murder. She wanted six weeks, but it sort of assumed that we could parallelize some things that weren't easily parallelable. (Parallelable, n: When you have to sing TWO songs to your kid to get them to go to sleep.) We had to develop the database schema while I was writing the API, which is never a great idea.

So all this week I have been staying up later and later. Last night it was 6 am. I woke up at 2pm. I am getting more and more desperate to find my zone and am generally stressed out at this time of night, except when I take a break to eat a quick chicken sandwich (fake vegetarian chicken of course). Which I'm doing now. Yay blogging.

Really looking forward to when I have some time to do some of my own programming projects again. I'd really like to get a new version of storysprawl up and running...

Posted by Curt at October 3, 2002 12:00 AM