September 22, 2002

I am playing hooky

I am playing hooky for two minutes.

I am currently on the clock, billable, but I just worked out that in two minutes, I will be all caught up for the year.

Meaning, I made all these calculations for my expenses, and how much I need to make each week, and if I fell short other weeks, then it meant I had to make more in later weeks. Well, I feel short (one minute left!) for many of the early weeks. Lately things have been busier. And now I'm about 45 seconds away from being all caught up for the year, right on target.

True, I still have to make the money for the REST of the year's expenses, but I'm not behind anymore. And true, it's all dependent on estimates that may be off here and there. But it still feels good.

There. Two minutes. All caught up.

Back to work. Posted by Curt at September 22, 2002 12:17 AM