June 10, 2002

Doing more research on why

Doing more research on why there's a split in RSS versions - an old message from Dave Winer shows a bit of frustration with the whole thing, although for some reason I'm wondering if he's being the intractable one here. I've heard a lot about RDF as an open standard and I now have two really good reasons to learn it - MusicBrainz uses it too. The problem is, the learning curve is very high. Even smart developers after they've learned it say as much. So Dave has a good point in saying that RSS 0.9x is easier. He makes the point that it's simpler and easier to use. But the thing is, most of his RSS users probably don't even understand 0.9x - so why would they care which standard was implemented in the backend?

Ultimately I agree on one thing though. It shouldn't have been named RSS 1.0. That just made the whole thing needlessly confusing. Posted by Curt at June 10, 2002 12:08 PM