March 11, 2002

I had a decent

I had a decent weekend. I had a bit of an emotional workout on Friday meeting up with the Acronymed One (see below), and it went in a couple of unexpected directions - mainly that we had a much nicer time together than I thought we would given the circumstances. Then I met a friend for dinner, but unfortunately the music was loud so the conversation wasn't extremely rewarding. Today I hung out with my married couple and we saw A Beautiful Mind (surprisingly good for a Ron Howard flick), made bowtie pasta, and watched Alias. A good relaxing wrap-up for the weekend.

This week I get my first bit of freelance income (hooray!) and will be trying to land two other opportunities. If I don't get any fresh leads this week I'll be depressed. Posted by Curt at March 11, 2002 02:50 AM