February 28, 2002

This contracting this is

This contracting this is weird... it is so much in ebbs and flows that it makes me think more about rhythms of the world, if behaviours are partially ruled (or at least inspired) but things beyond ourselves. Last week it looked like I had four or five things going on. Then this week, it started to seem like all of them, except for the one I have going on right now, were all starting to wilt. Whether they were flaky, unresponsive, more uncommital, or whatever, they were all not quite as definite feeling.

So this morning I started thinking about what I'd have to do if they all dried up... but then they ALL started moving again. One called me back, another touched base, another firmed up... we'll see what comes of it. Right now I feel like I really only need to land one other in order for me to feel like I can support myself with this, although I have room for more than that. Keeping my fingers crossed... Posted by Curt at February 28, 2002 06:50 PM