February 16, 2002

Just switched php templating

Just switched php templating systems, and I love the one I found... called "Smarty". It is awesome. For my very dynamic todolist application, the old templating system required EIGHT subtemplates and all sorts of horrible redudant variable assignations to assemble one page. This required one template, one include file, and it saved me over fifty lines out of my 250 line php script. Hooray!

Now I am free to start engineering my new enrollment system - this was "proof of concept", really. Maybe by the end of the weekend I'll be really encouraged. I'm also starting to think of a domain name for the project.

Now I have to go to bed... rehearsal at 9am for our ee cummings choir performance. woo! Posted by Curt at February 16, 2002 12:56 AM