January 19, 2002

I swear, I don't know

I swear, I don't know how real hackers do it. What did I do today? All I did was
  • figure out how to dynamically generate a jpg from my php code in my todo list (here) - I had already written the code a long time ago, and just figured remembered that I could have img src=(path to a script that generates an image rather than the image itself), so that's the only new part
  • downloaded a user authentication library for php that didn't work
  • made a "user" table in postgresql and got confused for a half hour when it seemed I could log in using the wrong password before realizing that postgresql uses "trust" by default
  • tried to convert a mysql script to posgresql (not done yet)
  • downloaded the specs to java's servlet 1.3 and jsp 1.2, decided not to print them out (500 pages???)

and it felt like I did a lot of hacking.

Meanwhile, I'm sure there's someone else out there who wrote a complete secure register/login/cookie/database system, or installed resin, or wrote a complete tomcat servlet or EJB in one night... Posted by Curt at January 19, 2002 11:42 PM