January 17, 2002

So, it's kind of amazing

So, it's kind of amazing how creative visualization can work really easily at some times and not at all at other times. Of course, it's probably just that it's all random and our lives are so chock full of random occurrences that virtual patterns are of course going to appear. Anyway. I was in this a cappella singing group all last fall. I was into it more for the friends than the music, which meant my musical standards were far lower than they normally are - and some of these people weren't that good. Eventually I lost patience, and it corresponded to my friend Peter saying he wanted to start singing again - he and I have been in pro groups together. So I convinced the group to disband everyone except for the guy with the deep bass voice and the killer solo voice, and we started as a foursome. Peter still felt limited by them, and so did I to a degree, but my standards were still low. After our second rehearsal, I said, "I'm even 5% considering what would happen if you and I just started one ourselves," and he responded, "I am SO GLAD you said that," and I said, "The only problem is I really want them as friends." So two days later, the other two called me up and said they were dropping out of the group. Pling! I didn't even try that hard to dream THAT one. Posted by Curt at January 17, 2002 01:20 PM