December 20, 2001

Just seeing my niece as

Just seeing my niece as a fully conscious human being for the first time. Yes, I'm home for Christmas, blogging from Colorado. Mir is so funny - she is around 2 1/2, and is in this funny gap where she is silent and shy and cute most of the time - one-word answers, hiding her eyes - but then she'll bust out with the funniest, most lucid sentences. We all said good night to her tonight and she was acting like she was asleep, and I said, "You fooled me!" and she paused and giggled and threw out her arms and proclaimed, "Oh, I just love fooling you, Turc!" Everyone just laughed and laughed. It's pretty eerie.

It isn't that the kids are silly. They're dead serious about their discoveries and "playful" needs - it's just that interacting with them turns on the silly switch in all the adults. I seriously can't help making silly faces and outlandish noises at her - it's not like she starts it or anything. I either hate that I love it or love that I hate it, but either way it works out to me enjoying the hell out of it. Posted by Curt at December 20, 2001 10:47 PM