November 24, 2001

Well, I made my tofurkey

Well, I made my tofurkey tonight. I had Thanksgiving alone this year - first time in a while - so I didn't have someone to help me with the things I forgot. First, the basting sauce was supposed to be soy sauce and orange juice and brown sugar, which I know works... well, I was out of two of those so I used soy sauce and apple cider and sucanat... it was still pretty good though. I roasted it with onion and potato (didn't have carrots) but I didn't exactly want to EAT the onions so they just sat there... But everything else was pretty damn good, and now I have lots of leftovers to get me through the weekend.

I think I've finally hit bottom in my post-breakup funk - I wrote a couple of bitter emails to the ex (nothing too bridge-burning, though), got really grumpy, rented some movies, slept until 1pm, and then the metaphorical fever broke - I still slept late this morning but I felt capable of getting up earlier... and I've been in a good mood all day and had lots of project and business ideas. So here's hoping it continues to get better... Posted by Curt at November 24, 2001 12:05 AM