November 03, 2001

Well, overall a hard week

Well, overall a hard week with Tamara but it feels a little bit eased right now. I'm sort of opening myself up right now, the fact is that Tamara and I are "separated" so it probably starts making more sense for me to start living like that, whether that means dating other people or not. In a way I'm sort of jealous of her because she says she has all this perspective now and appreciates what we have even more - I sure didn't get that perspective though.

I spent $750 (!!!) on clothes yesterday. Haven't gone clothes shopping for so, so long. Eddie Bauer and Nordstroms. Two pairs of shoes, cords, khakis, and a bunch of shirts/sweathers. cool. Didn't realize how many different ways you could dress without button-down shirts.

Haven't started my novel yet, I just have to get on the ball now... :-) Posted by Curt at November 3, 2001 07:11 PM