October 24, 2001

Man, I got wrapped up

Man, I got wrapped up in emails again last night and didn't get to bed until 3am. I gotta at least get back to getting up by 9 or 9:30 to start feeling a bit higher energy again. Haven't had breakfast at breakfast time for quite a while now. I know that some of it is adjusting to the season change, with all the heavy rain lately I really slow down for a little while, almost like a subtle hibernation... and then I get acclimated and the energy picks up again. I feel like I can just tell that in the next few days I'm going to start getting really hungry again. In fact, a good stew is already starting to sound good... wonder if I can find a good recipe for a good vegetarian stew. Potatoes and dumplings and mmmmm.... Posted by Curt at October 24, 2001 01:29 PM