October 18, 2001

Here's a question - how

Here's a question - how to make blogs more encouraging of personal depth. All right, maybe that was more an objective. My point - we've got a whole community of people recording their thoughts, their whims, their moment-to-moment wisdom, but it all seems to hang out on the surface. Long lists of short, interesting tangents - like reading The Bathroom Book. Like eating potato chips.

But what of people's desires to evolve and grow in particular directions? In order to delve instead of skim, it takes hard focused work. Coming back to something that has been reported before, approaching it in a fresh angle, offering new takes or even answering old not-rhetorical-but-forgotten questions from earlier entries. I wonder what kind of online journal that would be... I mean technically. It would require some sort of crosslinking or "last active concept" or something - a de-emphasis on always merely having the most recently written entry up top. Huh. Posted by Curt at October 18, 2001 10:55 AM