October 17, 2001

Well it looks like the

Well it looks like the bloggerbot is down so I'm having to log in. This is another reason to start toying with XML-RPC. I might write a little tcl desktop app for my linux box since I haven't used tcl before. I'm not motivated enough yet to actually DO that but maybe the third time I have the idea will be a charm. :)

Today's about 401k's. The whole internet whirlwind of the last couple of years led to me having a few different partially-funded 401k's and I'm trying to consolidate them. What a headache! It's also painful to think about the transfer because it means I'll be selling out of some positions at a major loss. No matter how unemotionally I understand that selling them means nothing when I have the option to buy back in immediately, it still feels like a reality slap to actually sell them.

One of my current projects is figuring out how to make cell phone ring tones. I made a few midi melodies yesterday and today I'll be trying to convert them to the right format. Posted by Curt at October 17, 2001 03:18 PM