February 11, 2003

Mind Mapping

Pete/Damon responds to my previous entry, which, uhm, got me thinking.

Actually I just wanted to trackback to him trackbacking to my entry.

I actually put in a feature request to the OmniOutliner folks to allow two things:

  • Allow one to check off a parent and then have its children shift once to the left (like marking a pre-requisite as done)
  • multiple parent capability

Turns out that the mulitple parent thing was in a lot of old outliners and was called "Cloning". And a lot of people request it. So it might be coming someday.

Those two things plus a tighter integration into OmniGraffle might accomplish a lot of what Pete's talking about.

But if not, I'll fire up Project Builder and port my web app to Obj-C... SOMEday...

Posted by Curt at February 11, 2003 04:13 PM


Wait, now I'm getting confused. What is a TrackBack? I were a "TrackBacker", what would I be doing to fulfill the obligation of my namesake? If I were engaging in an activity only described as "TrackBack-esque", what would that activity entail? What the fuck are you talking about? Answer me, or I'll TrackBack your little behind all over my clean kitchen.

Posted by: Tommy at February 11, 2003 06:49 PM

You know how when someone talks about you behind your back, your ears burn? That's what trackback is, except you also know what they're saying. But only when they're talking about you.

Since you're not a trackbacker, I can say all sorts of awful things about you behind your back, and you won't know what they are. There, I just did. And you didn't hear it.

Don't you feel excluded now?

Posted by: Curt at February 11, 2003 10:11 PM
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