March 04, 2003

Apple Music Service

Mac Rumors reports about the new Apple Music Service - 99c a song in mp4, burnable to cd.

First thing I'd do is buy all the songs in my current iTunes top 20 that I don't already own.

My Top 20 (eventually I'll have it on my blog) is: my top twenty five-star songs that have a playdate in the last two weeks, ordered by number of plays.

One of my main listening habits is that I play all my five-star music and then just skip the tunes I don't feel like listening to. This results in changes to the top twenty. And since I'm always getting new music, they'll get more recent plays, so filtering out music I haven't heard in two weeks enables new music to hit my top twenty. I think it's the best possible iTunes top twenty system. Posted by Curt at March 4, 2003 03:29 PM