March 06, 2003

Al-Queda Re-Election Campaign

For the conspiracy theorists:

Think the nabbing of the Al-Queda #3 guy seems a little too pat? Read this article from the Asia Times, from last October, mentioning how this guy was already killed in a raid last year and how his family was interrogated. Read the cheerleading of the recent events. Read some more comparison of the recent story and other conflicting information.

So, theorists, why would this be staged? Well, there's a re-election coming up.

I don't seriously think that this is a big conspiracy, in fact this is probably my first attempt at connecting arbitrary dots to draw a strange picture. But it's freaky to think about.

And as for how I stand about guy #3? Mentally it sure seems like it's a huge win. I should be really impressed and happy, and really, I am. The grudging tone? It's from Bush having such horrible credibility now that it makes me suspect everything. I think it is plaguing the entire administration and government right now. Even if he might be suggesting something that makes sense, he has no credibility and other world leaders don't trust him.

I wonder what it would take for other nations in the world to get more heavily involved in our own elections? I mean seriously, it isn't President of the United States anymore. It's President of the country that controls every other country's foreign policy as well. Call a spade a spade. Shouldn't they have a say? Posted by Curt at March 6, 2003 12:55 AM