March 21, 2003

In The News

I got an email from a reporter from the Oregonian today. He wants to quote the paragraph in this entry where I talk about blogging and free press. It'll be in an article about what Oregon bloggers are writing about the war.

I was initially concerned about context. Blogging encourages emotional venting and freewriting, neither of which hold up well when an excerpt is quoted out of context. For instance, that particular passage could make it look like I don't believe there's any free press anywhere in America, or don't respect the work that honest journalists do.

But, I decided to trust - I chose a license for this weblog to allow quotes, given proper attribution, and if the attribution includes the link to this weblog, then I feel like context is protected. I wouldn't necessary stand by a couple of sentences off of this web log by themselves, but I stand by the entire weblog as a collection.

So look for an article in the Oregonian where I'll be quoted and my weblog will be mentioned. And let me know what edition it's in.

Posted by Curt at March 21, 2003 03:07 AM