April 21, 2003

Voter Registration And Blogging

What we need is a web utility that:

  1. Displays a form of street address and zip code (it would work with just the zip code)
  2. Pops up a map from the input address to the nearest place where they can register to vote, along with information on what hours it is open and what they need to bring
  3. Have the form be publishable on any web page merely by typing in a one-line javascript command (like with the many blog utilities).

So a person with a web page could publish the one-liner, and then be one of thousands of sites that would offer a valuable utility to anyone that hasn't registered to vote yet and just needs to be told the easiest way to do it.

Posted by Curt at April 21, 2003 07:15 PM


why go thru all this when the government will pop flyers and letters thru your door anyway.

And since you can only vote where you register, it's not a matter of... "oh i'm in a hurry and i'm stuck in a town i dont know but i REALLY need to vote".

it's not worth it.

Posted by: Faf at April 25, 2003 07:30 PM

Congress.org offers an online voter registration form that creates a printable pdf that you can sign and mail.

Here's the url:

Posted by: Adam at May 2, 2003 01:31 AM
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