September 25, 2003

H.R. 2239

A while ago I posted this on Slashdot when people were bitching about all the electronic voting machines that work in mysterious ways:
Don't just complain, act: There is a bill in Congress introduced by Rush Holt, D-NJ. It is called "The Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2003". It is H.R. 2239. It currently has 29 cosponsors and needs more support. The Summary page is here []. The press page is here []. Congress is in session again now. Contact your Congressperson and demand they support this bill. It would require a voter-verifiable paper trail.
Well, I wrote my rep (Wu) and I got a letter back today saying he would support H.R. 2239. Hooray.

Posted by Curt at September 25, 2003 01:35 AM