October 28, 2003

Conservative Language

George Lakoff tells how conservatives use language to dominate politics

An interesting article on political rhetoric. The part about Frank Luntz's manual creeps me out.

Posted by Curt at October 28, 2003 03:27 AM


I love this article. Why does the idea of the manual creep you out? Because the Liberals don't have one and it puts us at a disadvantage politically?

Christians and Atheists have reference materials which help them frame issues that are most often debated.

When you interview for a position you present yourself within a framework. I know when I am hiring for a position that requires critical thinking and meticulous attention to detail that I would select a candidate who has demonstrated they are well prepared for my questions. Of course, other things come into consideration...like experience and demonstration of certain skills, but if I had two candidates with both of those (experience and the right skills) and one was prepared for my questions and concerns and the other was not...well...guess which one I would hire?

I think it's a smart thing to do.

Posted by: Deborah at October 30, 2003 08:35 AM

The effort to market doesn't so much creep me out, as it is the amount of effort expendedd to make lies seem like the truth. Marketing isn't always about lies, but a good deal of Republican marketing is about actual disinformation. Like the effort expended into things like supply-side/trickle-down economics, or the idea that social security is a pyramid scheme, or that the estate tax was bad because it put family farms at risk. The people that market those ideas don't believe them, and the people that believe them have been lied to.

Posted by: Curt at October 30, 2003 07:37 PM
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