November 18, 2003

Highly Paid Women

Alpha Women, Beta Men - When wives are the family breadwinners

This is a very disturbing article. Note how they throw around the term "freeloader" towards men. Or the women obsessing about relative power in the relationship. I kept on thinking about how it would be if the roles were reversed and the breadwinning men were whining like these women are. I certainly wouldn't want to be in a marriage like that if the woman earning more money ended up with her turning into a bitch like the women in this article.

Posted by Curt at November 18, 2003 03:03 AM


In many senses we are dealing with some pretty atypical people here; these people are in the top 10% money wise. I had trouble identifying with them and their problems.

Firstly, sex declines for many, many married couples and marraiges based too strongly on sex often have problems.

Secondly, when do they begin pooling their resources. We have a shared charge card. Neither I nor my wife would ever have to go to the other to get money. Sure I'm careful about what I charge because she checks the statement, but if I were the one who spent the most time at home, I think that that would be one of my "natural" housework jobs.

Thirdly, as would taking the kids to school. Why were these women with their high-power jobs still taking the kids to school? (Ok, it's often on the way, but you get my drift.)

I'm not saying that this is some kind of great article on the subject (I didn't bother to finish reading it) but I didn't find it that unusual. The tv series "Sex in the City" has dealt with these issues. In fact, since it was written by a guy (I assume because of the name Ralph) it seems to me more of a "guy whining" article.

Posted by: j! at November 18, 2003 07:29 AM
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