February 15, 2004

Dean Probably Leaving Race

MSNBC - Top aides say Dean may stand down

Folks have been buzzing about it for a while, but this is the first I've seen of the Dean campaign itself acknowledging their aims to convert their campaign from a Presidential run to a political movement.

So yeah. Barring a truly bizarre surprise in the debate today or before Tuesday, it basically means Dean is leaving the race.

Posted by Curt at February 15, 2004 03:27 PM


I don't think that Dean will leave the race for many reasons I believe he can still win. One of them being only 255 of the nation has voted.

AND with the Kerry affair coming out in TIME tomorrow...Democrats might think twice about 4-8 years of adultery stories surrounding their nominee to be President. The media circus that surrounds crap like that will certainly keep thinking people from voting for Kerry.

Personally I won't vote for Kerry for many reasons of my own, and this not being one of them it just adds weight to the pile of reasons not to nominate Kerry to go against Bush.

Posted by: Danny at February 16, 2004 12:33 AM

I don't think that Dean will leave the race for many reasons I believe he can still win. One of them being only 255 of the nation has voted.

AND with the Kerry affair coming out in TIME tomorrow...Democrats might think twice about 4-8 years of adultery stories surrounding their nominee to be President. The media circus that surrounds crap like that will certainly keep thinking people from voting for Kerry.

Personally I won't vote for Kerry for many reasons of my own, and this not being one of them it just adds weight to the pile of reasons not to nominate Kerry to go against Bush.

Posted by: Danny at February 16, 2004 12:33 AM

200 years of history can't be wrong--there's room at the table for conservatives, liberals, and all who fall in between. Let's face it, we're joined at the hip and can't survive one without the other. True wisdom is maintaining a healthy balance. Labels lose their significance when viewed against the backdrop that we're all 100% card-carrying Americans. We need to examine the motives of those who would divide us. If you lose sight of this, all else is nonsense. This political season, without regard to party affiliation or ideology, right-thinking people have to resist falling prey to demagogues or being trapped by "labels" and think in broad terms of what's best for our country. Then they should take appropriate action by voting for those candidates who have delivered on their promises and have done what's in the best interests of our country. The truth will make you free!

Posted by: Dwight at February 17, 2004 04:47 PM
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