March 09, 2004

Nader Hurting Kerry

MSNBC - Bush ratings slide on Iraq, economy Nader draws 3% nationwide. Without Nader, Kerry leads Bush by 9. With Nader, Kerry leads Busy by 4.
In a bit of good news for Bush, Nader is drawing essentially all of his support from Kerry, who leads Bush by 9 percentage points in a two-way matchup with the president -- an indication Nader could play the spoiler for Democrats in 2004 as he did four years ago. Underscoring that potential, nearly two-thirds of Democrats opposed Nader's decision to run, while nearly half of all Republicans supported his move.
There's nothing new here. In an alternate reality we could cheer that so many Republicans seem to like Nader (and golly gosh, maybe they'll vote for 'im!). But that's not what is going on.

Shorter Nader: "Democracy is threatened! So vote for me or Democracy gets it!"

Posted by Curt at March 9, 2004 03:12 AM