May 07, 2004

Hi, I'm America - May I Punch You In The Gut?

I haven't written anything about the who Abu Ghraib torture thing.

I'm just depressed. It's hard to write when you're depressed. You decide things aren't ideal, and you try and figure out how to fight. There are so many reasons to not fight and you work like a dog to shift paradigms, to find a sliver of hope, something to advocate so you have a reason to fight anyway. You work hard enough and you come upon a vision to advocate - you aren't sure whether you have found one, or simply invented one, but it's enough. You enlist yourself to a cause, you start to feel momentum. And then you realize that concurrently, and silently, something else has been happening. You realize there is rot - while you had been working to avoid it, you find out it was already there. So, the stakes are lower, because you find out that much of the stakes have already been lost.

That's how I'm feeling in a nutshell. In terms of the election, we still have to win, but big deal. It could have been a salvage mission, but I wonder if it's too late for that now.

Posted by Curt at May 7, 2004 12:01 AM