May 17, 2004

Prison Realities

I saw an article that reported that the Abu Ghraib guards in Iraq were also taking the prisoners to areas where they knew other prisoners would rape them, and then left them there and allowed it to happen before taking them back to their cell. They're trying to say it's not torture because they didn't commit the rapes themselves.

Oh, gosh, I'm sorry - that wasn't Iraq. That was our own American prison system. I was confused.

The Times reminds us that prison atrocities aren't only happening in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.

Here's the question, shouldn't this outrage us more than Abu Ghraib does?

God willing, this outcry will lead to enough people coming to their senses that we'll realize we have to start looking at our own prisons, too.

Posted by Curt at May 17, 2004 07:08 PM