June 16, 2004

Reagan And Bush

In hindsight, I think the political impact of Reagan's death was a net loss for Bush.

There was a bit of fanfare when Bush left to go overseas - working on tough foreign policy issues, where the voters liked seeing him, accentuating the Republicans' (supposed) strength in foreign policy, etc.

But the press got diverted from that due to Reagan.

I honestly think the Bush bounce would have been greater had it not happened at that time.

Posted by Curt at June 16, 2004 12:00 AM


And don't overlook the fact that people are now comparing Bush to the beatified Reagan. Let's see, where Reagan had shelves filled with dog-eared books, Bush has his collection of autographed baseballs. They've got writing on 'em, too.

Well, at least for now they're not comparing him to Kerry. Or chimpanzees for that matter.

Posted by: Robert Waugh at June 17, 2004 02:16 AM
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