October 06, 2004

General Patterns - Problems and Solutions

I think this election is about problems and solutions. The Democrats are trying to challenge the solutions, and the Republicans are responding by saying that the problems are too important to switch leaders.

But here's the issue. I think we can concede the point that the Republicans generally have a good understanding of the problems. We agree on the problems.

But look at their solutions. Too many frivolous medical malpractice solutions? Instead of limiting frivolous lawsuits, they want to limit the penalty against bad doctors. Education? They pass an education bill but refuse to fund it. Terrorism? They invade Iraq.

Bush and Cheney just don't have good solutions. They're taking action, but their actions have little connection to the real problems we face. And often times, they refuse to even admit there's a problem. It all adds up to one thing - incompetence. Incompetence is the inability to solve a problem, and that's what we have with Bush and Cheney.

Posted by Curt at October 6, 2004 02:56 AM