October 29, 2004

Transcript of Osama's Speech

FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Transcript: Bin Laden Video

Where's the rest of it? I want to read the rest.

Update: There's more excerpts not included above here.

"We had no difficulty in dealing with Bush and his administration because they resemble the regimes in our countries, half of which are ruled by the military and the other half by the sons of kings ... They have a lot of pride, arrogance, greed and thievery.    "He (Bush) adopted despotism and the crushing of freedoms from Arab rulers and called it the Patriot Act under the guise of combating terrorism..... "

Update: Word is that it was an 18-minute speech, and only seven minutes of it was broadcast.

Does it help or hurt? I think it hurts Bush among those voters that don't pay a lot of attention. It underscores that Osama's still out there. I think it helps Bush with the voters with the overactive sphincters. "Ahhh! Terrorist on TV! Vote Bush!" And I think it helps Bush for those who innately trust Hardball and Fox News. And I think it hurts Bush for those that have a mind of their own. So... overall it's a wash. I think that after a couple of days pass, it'll be a net negative for Bush. Depends on how it is spun, though.

Posted by Curt at October 29, 2004 06:58 PM