October 06, 2003

Current Events

I am very bored with the Presidential candidates right now. Vaguely aware that I am intrigued by Dean, Clark, and Edwards, potentially idealistic about them in that order, but worried Dean will crash and vaguely distrustful about Clark. I've got a sinking feeling about CA's governor election and what it will mean for the presidential election.

I'm disappointed that the Broncos lost today and even more disappointed that I turned off the television just before the big punt return that led to them losing. I'm happy that the Cubs are advancing. I'm happy that the Red Sox are still in it. I'm disappointed the women lost in World Cup soccer, although I didn't know they were playing a game today.

I'm having trouble caring a lot about Israel and Syria. I'm very partial to big conspiracy theories right now, like this Syria attack was an opportunistic thing to serve the aims of the neocons in power in the US right now.

I'm sorta bored with current events in general. Need a new hobby.

Posted by Curt at October 6, 2003 03:30 AM