October 08, 2003

Clinton's Forests

My Way News

Remember how Clinton protected these two million acres of forests in the closing days of his adminsitration, and the Republicans screeched about his abuse of power? Real tiny footnote about that today. The Supreme Court refused to consider overturning his orders. You won't find that mentioned anywhere unless you look really hard, I'm sure of it. There's the media for you, again with no perspective - reporting the screeching, ignoring the news. I think that anytime the media grants a certain news placement to a controversy, they should grant the same placement to that controversy's resolution. Then this would be on the front page (sure, maybe below the fold) of the Washington Post, the New York Times, and in screaming headlines of all the conservative rags across the land.

Posted by Curt at October 8, 2003 01:32 AM