December 16, 2003


Guardian | 'Saddam, tell me about your mum'
"It all goes back to his mother's womb," Post declares with some professional satisfaction. "During the mother's pregnancy with Saddam Hussein, his father died, and another son died when he was only 12 years old. She both tried to commit suicide and to have an abortion."

As the story goes, Saddam's mother, Subha, was prevented from killing herself and her unborn child by a compassionate family of Iraqi Jews. That family is now reported to be living in Israel, where it may think itself the tool of some huge cosmic joke. In any case, it does not seek publicity for its act of kindness.

You know, wasn't there a similar story about Hitler? Or maybe it was just that he was a really sickly baby.

Posted by Curt at December 16, 2003 01:50 AM