February 06, 2004

MA and Gay Marriage

Here's two quotes on the MA gay marriage decision.

Dean: "Today's decision by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court represents a different approach to the same goal.  One way or another, states should afford same-sex couples equal treatment under law..."

Kerry: "I oppose gay marriage and disagree with the Massachusetts court's decision."

The thing is, what Kerry said is going to be widely accepted as a bigoted statement fifteen or twenty years down the road, and everyone knows it, even the Republicans. This debate is going to parallel the debate on miscegenation.

Kerry reacts to what he thinks the national mood is, and forgets about the option of trying to actually lead. I do not believe Kerry is a leader, and I fear that the population is going to realize this about him too late to make a change in nominee.

Posted by Curt at February 6, 2004 04:29 AM