February 06, 2004

John McCain's Objectivity

MSNBC - Intelligence panel includes McCain:
"The president of the United States, I believe, would not manipulate any kind of information for political gain or otherwise." - John McCain

Well, isn't that the whole point of the damn commission? Why even show up?

Posted by Curt at February 6, 2004 04:30 PM


Dear Senator:

How do we have Campaign Finance Reform that puts restrictions on Republicans and Conservatives but George Soros can contribute $15 million to the Democratic Party? I would really like to know. He has gone on record as saying he was willing to spend his entire fortune (which he earned off our capitalist system but which he seems to hate) to defeat President Bush. I don't understand it.

New Subject: F-22

I read a frightening article about Chinese intelligence and learned that the Chinese have aircraft that are superior to the F-15 and missiles that are superior to our AAMRAAM. Yet Congress is dragging its feet in developing and deploying the F-22. With your military background I am sure you are tuned in, or I certainly hope so. Do you know if this is being actively pursued? President Clinton and the then CEO of Loral sold us down the river and gave the Chinese technology that propelled them into the forefront of defense systems. We are placed in jeopardy and nobody seems to be concerned about this.

Gary D. Ballard USNA '60

Posted by: gary d. ballard at June 7, 2004 06:47 AM

Curt, relax, will ya? He said, "I believe...." At the beginning of any investigation, people are entitled to an initial hypothesis. Responsible investigators are expected, I believe, to leave it on the curb when they punch in.

Trust me. There is no love between McCain and the Shrub.

Posted by: Joe Medina at June 7, 2004 09:27 AM

Hmm... I posted this a while ago so I don't remember the context. I think it was at a time when it wasn't so well-received to criticize Bush, and there had been other comments that were making the community suspect a whitewash. So McCain's comments didn't ring well.

Posted by: tunesmith at June 7, 2004 10:29 PM

I can definitely understand that. After what happened in New York's 9/11 panel, the insidious nature of all this politicized hero worship of the nearest alpha male poses a serious threat to national discourse and, in the long run, national security.

McCain isn't infallible, but he's a stand-up guy. If he wasn't prepared to do a thorough investigation and say "politics be damned," he wouldn't have taken the job.

Posted by: Joe Medina at June 7, 2004 11:10 PM

Senator -

I feel compelled to share with you my respect for your apparent integrity and objectivity and my grave disappointment at your capitulation to your sense of loyalty to the Party. A thousand troopers have died and two hundred Billion dollars have been spent in pursuit of a war created by the small mind of a religous bigot and his band of mind benders. Please restore yourself to the man you've shown the world you can be and withdraw your endorsment of George Bush.

Posted by: Capt. Warren Wanamaker at August 31, 2004 09:00 AM

Amen to that. I've lost a lot of respect for the man, to kowtow like this to sustain the hope for a presidential bid in 2008.

Posted by: Joe Medina at August 31, 2004 09:08 AM

Senator, what in the world is the matter with you going on TV this Sunday and criticizing President Bush. I don't agree with everything that Bush has done, but he has so far ahead of John McCain that I cannot understand you saying one word of criticism about him. We are fighting for our lives against this terrorism that has come to our country and he is the only man that I know of that is capable of handling it. For God's sake and for the sake of all Americans, get behind him and support him in every way. This is not the time to come out with Republican criticisms. Remember what happened to the Democratic party when they all got to disagreeing with each other and were so engaged in their infighting that their party almost disentigrated. Wake up and be the Republican that you claim to be.

Carol Hunt
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Posted by: at September 19, 2004 10:55 PM
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