January 06, 2005

Belief Over Proof

There's a fascinating article over at the World Question Center - about what various notable thinkers believe but cannot prove (or consider to be currently unprovable).

There's some good stuff there, and some disturbing stuff (to me). Most of the disturbing stuff is along the lines of scientists scoffing at the role of emotion in decision making.

But here's the most disturbing one I've found yet, by Susan Blackmore:

It is possible to live happily and morally without believing in free will. As Samuel Johnson said "All theory is against the freedom of the will; all experience is for it." With recent developments in neuroscience and theories of consciousness, theory is even more against it than it was in his time, more than 200 years ago. So I long ago set about systematically changing the experience. I now have no feeling of acting with free will, although the feeling took many years to ebb away.

But what happens? People say I'm lying! They say it's impossible and so I must be deluding myself to preserve my theory. And what can I do or say to challenge them? I have no idea—other than to suggest that other people try the exercise, demanding as it is.

When the feeling is gone, decisions just happen with no sense of anyone making them, but then a new question arises—will the decisions be morally acceptable? Here I have made a great leap of faith (or the memes and genes and world have done so). It seems that when people throw out the illusion of an inner self who acts, as many mystics and Buddhist practitioners have done, they generally do behave in ways that we think of as moral or good. So perhaps giving up free will is not as dangerous as it sounds—but this too I cannot prove.

As for giving up the sense of an inner conscious self altogether—this is very much harder. I just keep on seeming to exist. But though I cannot prove it—I think it is true that I don't.

Posted by Curt at January 6, 2005 01:08 AM

That is indeed frightening. As long as people believe that dropping off, condemning and squelching parts of ourselves is the path to enlightenment, healing or a better self, we are in for some real trouble. Healing and wholeness can only happen- by definition- through evolving, integration, acceptance and bringing all of ourselves within love and compassion. Since when has condemnation ever solved anything?

Posted by: badger at January 7, 2005 12:43 PM
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